How to set goals and actually keep them

Want to eat healthier, drink more water, add in fitness, lose weight or gain muscle?

Set S.M.A.R.T. Goals
- Specific
- Measurable
- Attainable
- Relevant
- Time-bound

Instead of just an open ended goal of working out more, make it specific, workout 3 days a week doing weight training for 35 minutes at the gym, which also makes it measurable. Make sure this is attainable, maybe you have kids or work 12 hour night shifts, adjust to make it work, maybe it’s at home workouts before school/work. Make sure it’s relevant to you, why do you want to workout 3x a week? For overall health? Maybe to look and feel you best for a trip? Find your why! Last make it timely. I want to be doing 3 workout a week every week by Easter, or maybe I want to lose 20 pounds by July 4th!

Whatever your goal is, breaking it up into smaller goals. This not only makes it more manageable but also gives you the opportunity to celebrate your wins along the way. Instead of aiming for 20 pounds by July 4th, why...

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How To Know If You're Using Quality Supplements

Recently I was asked, ok I've been asked a lot over the past decade, how to know if you're using quality supplements! So here's a little snippet of what I'm teaching on this week in my Restored and Revitalized Course, to help you find the best for you and your family as well as where to find them!

Quality Supplements:

  • GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) Certified (FDA standard, part of USP:United States Pharmacopoeia)
  • 3rd party tested
  • Formula based on studied dosage
  • Freshness
  • Gluten, dairy, soy etc. free
  • Where it comes from (China etc.)
  • Not paying huge money for marketing (money instead goes to research)
  • Taste (fish oils that taste fishy are rancid and most likely doing more harm than good)
  • Read reviews 
  • Don’t get your supplements where you get your paper towels and toilet paper!


Reputable Quality Supplement Brands:


Apex Energetics


Pure Encapsulations

Integrative Therapeutics

Ortho Molecular Products

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Did Someone Say Makeup?!

Let’s keep talking about toxins

The average woman uses 12 beauty or skincare products a day that contain over 168 different toxic chemicals (Environmental Working Group)

The worst place to ingest chemicals is your skin, as it is your largest organ and it only takes 26 seconds to be absorbed

Side effects of cosmetic chemicals that can cause immediate reactions include: allergies, skin rash, headache, mood disturbance, brain fog or fatigue. Not to freak you out but when chemicals are continually compounded they CAN eventually lead to cancer, fertility issues, birth defects, neurological disturbances, and even auto-immune issues.

Don’t get my wrong I LOVE makeup as you can tell by my for real Makeup Arsenal (not pictures my airbrush machine and brush collection...) but if you’re going to be purchasing skincare and beauty products/cosmetics, why not make the extra effort to go as organic and natural as possible?! Ok fine, so I still use some “prestige brands”...

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Jump Around! Top 10 Benefits of Rebounding

Jump Around! 90s style!

Benefits of Rebounding
1. Lymphatic drainage:
Aids in venous blood flow allowing our lymphatic system (where our toxins are stored) to flow better, therefore detoxifies better which improves the immune system.
2. Stress reduction:
Light bouncing can help increase blood flow to underused muscles and loosen and release overused ones, plus it helps the body release endorphins which are your brain’s natural calming, feel good aid.
3.Improve balance:
Improves proprioception (ability to sense the orientation and position of your body) which aids in fall/injury reduction. It also stimulates the vestibule in the middle ear to improve balance.
4. Strengthen pelvic floor muscles:
The pelvic floor is a group of muscles that effectively form a hammock across the base of your pelvis and support the internal organs above it. Having strong and flexible pelvic floor muscles helps control the bladder, stabilize the hip joints, and connect to the deep core.
5. Improve bone...

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Gut Love

Did you know your gut is also called your second brain!?
In order to break down all of the important nutrients from our food, you know, the ones we need to keep our bodies in balance to better protect ourselves from the common cold, the flu, Alzheimer’s, dementia, and even cancer (yes even cancer!), we have got to get our guts right!

Want a little more energy? 1/3 of our daily energy goes towards digestion! Get that gut right!

My morning love your gut routine looks like this (yes before my ):
- 1 organic lemon (juiced)
-1 TBSP apple cider vinegar
-1 Scoop of an organic greens powder
-1 probiotic
-8oz warm water
-1 drop lemon essential oil
-pinch of pink Himalayan sea salt (beneficial for adrenals!)

Don’t believe me? Try it for 30 days and let’s talk ;)

Quote of the day:
”The man who earns a million but destroys his health in the process is not really a success.“ -Zig Ziglar

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When The Hurt Wonā€™t Heal

True story: I’m laying in bed at 1 AM wide awake.

True story I wrote the same story years ago…

2020 has been a tough year for us all, for me personally it started with losing a pageant I had poured my heart and soul into literally, physically, mentally, and emotionally.  Per usual I bounced right back And through my efforts into taking my business online developing this new website and my brand even deeper. And then Covid hit. So I threw myself into another pageant to distract me/numb the pain (I have realllly weird way of coping, well avoiding coping). Here in North Carolina gyms were shut down for six months after six months of trying to stay afloat I finally gave up. I meanwhile found out I was pregnant after years of trying (also knowing I can’t keep it going pregnant/as a new mom)
Fast forward to my 10 week ultrasound, all alone with the ultrasound tech (thanks Covid) in a cold, empty, sterile room hearing the words “ I’m sorry there is no...

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Letā€™s talk about zinc

Zinc supplementation has been a game changer for me specifically in improving gut health, boosting my immune system and helping to regulate hormones.

Lowered immune system
Loss of taste and/or smell
Digestive problems
Hair loss
Chronic fatigue
Poor concentration
Nervous system dysfunction
Hormonal imbalances
Low testosterone (in Men)
Change of appetite (increase or decrease)
Worsening memory
Change in weight gain or loss
Slowed ability to heal
Aging skin
Poor muscle tone

Improved immune function
Boosted metabolism
Balancing health inflammation
Hair growth
Antioxidant benefits
Balances hormones
Helps regulate healthy blood sugar levels
Assists in digestion and gut function
Decreases loose stool (diarrhea)
Improves fertility
Increases testosterone & sperm count
Supports liver health
Boosts muscle tone

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