Should You Start Exercising Before or After You Lose Weight?

Ok so hear me out I’ve tried to put on muscle for years. Legit high protein diet, heavy weights, creatine supplements… the works 

However women don’t naturally “bulk up” due to estrogen- I’m sure there is some genetic freak or two out there exception to every rule- however the “bulky” women you see usually aren’t all natural.

Also after the age of 30-ish our muscle starts to decline roughly 5% every 10 years which is why strength training is so important!

But why should you start to workout BEFORE (aka during) your weight loss journey?

Because muscle burns fat! 


Yes muscle can take up 20% more mass than fat- this is why muscular people usually weigh a bit more than they apear. However their body fat percentage is lower than someone of roughly the same age, height and weight.


So since muscle burns fat, the more muscle I build the more it speeds up my metabolism and the more calories I burn off, therefore...

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How to Make Your Nutrition Better When You're Beyond Busy

Ok so you're busy, I get it, I feel ya, too much to do, not enough time, work, family, kids, the fur babies, social life shoot all the things. So what do you do when you can't do it all but need to do more?


1. Always be prepared

Have a stash of grab and go snacks like single serving nut packs, fruit, cut up veggies and/or organic protein bars, where you usually get stuck a.k.a. your car, your desk, or your purse!


2. Drink a cup of water for every hour you work

Set hourly reminders on your phone and carry a reusable water bottle and drink one cup (oz) of water every hour you’re working — whether that’s chasing after clients or your children.


3. Aim for veggie centric options when dining or taking out 

Prioritizing vegetables helps reduce your intake of excess calories, fat, carbs, sodium, and potentially sugar, as well as cancer-potentiating compounds from processed foods, packaging, and unhealthy cooking methods (like frying).



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