How to Make Your Nutrition Better When You're Beyond Busy

Ok so you're busy, I get it, I feel ya, too much to do, not enough time, work, family, kids, the fur babies, social life shoot all the things. So what do you do when you can't do it all but need to do more?


1. Always be prepared

Have a stash of grab and go snacks like single serving nut packs, fruit, cut up veggies and/or organic protein bars, where you usually get stuck a.k.a. your car, your desk, or your purse!


2. Drink a cup of water for every hour you work

Set hourly reminders on your phone and carry a reusable water bottle and drink one cup (oz) of water every hour you’re working — whether that’s chasing after clients or your children.


3. Aim for veggie centric options when dining or taking out 

Prioritizing vegetables helps reduce your intake of excess calories, fat, carbs, sodium, and potentially sugar, as well as cancer-potentiating compounds from processed foods, packaging, and unhealthy cooking methods (like frying).



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Hunter's Birth Story

Let me just preface this well now novel, with the fact that this has been drafted since September 18, over 4 months later and it's still pretty raw so I probably won't proofread.

Here we go again with my drama and trauma....

No but really, we are so very extremely abundantly beyond blessed by the birth of our first (and probably only... little foreshadowing here) son Hunter David on Labor Day, September 4th, 2023 (yep my kid making me labor on Labor Day, we love an entrance and a holiday).

It's no secret it was a struggle for me to get pregnant (7ish years of infertility and a miscarriage) and pregnancy was a struggle for me mentally, physically and emotionally (see previous blogs) and labor and delivery as well as the first two weeks of having a new born were also a struggle.

I know I can be a little dramatic... (if you know me personally you know I always have a story) so I had decided to save everyone the drama and not share my birth story... but I know others birth story helped...

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The Ultimate Natural, Non-Toxic and as Organic as Possible List of Baby Stuff

Ok so this was not on my list of things to do buttttt babies and their tiny bodies are most susceptible to toxins and of the other Non-toxic, organic, natural baby registries I could find they were all out dated, like from 2020 or before where most of the products I couldn't even find and I wandered what was new/better or they were priced so high (yes you get what you pay for) but I couldn't register for them and send the list out to friends and family who couldn't afford to spend hundreds...

So here we are 30+ hours later...

Also let me just preface with I'm a first time Mama to be so this is based on research from ingredients, certifications etc but also asking other Mama's their experience with products and what they actually used and loved!

Also these are clickable links to add to your cart or baby registry! (no I'm not just asking for baby gifts, this isn't my actual registry haha)

So why Natural, Non-Toxic, Organic, anyways?

Specifically, the ingredients in most conventional...

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