One of Biggest Lies in the Fitness Industry

As hard as I try, I eventually get sucked into the social media scroll, and the more I do the more contradicting information I see. You should do this, you should do that, don't miss that, avoid this... it goes on and on, but what do I find to be one of the biggest lies in the fitness industry?!

If I could only pick just one (I think I smell a series coming through lol) I would start with this:

 One size fits all diet and workout plans 


We are not the same!


Nutrition and Fitness plans should take into account:

(In no particular order, at least most, ideally all, of these should be factored in)

1. Gender

2. Age

3. Weight (current and goal weight)

4. Goals

5. Activity levels

6. Lifestyle

7. Body type

8. Health imbalances 

9. Injuries

10. Health concerns


But I’m also going to add a little controversy with this one: 

Your diet plan should not be missing any major macros (protein, fats, carbs) for an extended period of time!!!!



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The Ultimate Natural, Non-Toxic and as Organic as Possible List of Baby Stuff

Ok so this was not on my list of things to do buttttt babies and their tiny bodies are most susceptible to toxins and of the other Non-toxic, organic, natural baby registries I could find they were all out dated, like from 2020 or before where most of the products I couldn't even find and I wandered what was new/better or they were priced so high (yes you get what you pay for) but I couldn't register for them and send the list out to friends and family who couldn't afford to spend hundreds...

So here we are 30+ hours later...

Also let me just preface with I'm a first time Mama to be so this is based on research from ingredients, certifications etc but also asking other Mama's their experience with products and what they actually used and loved!

Also these are clickable links to add to your cart or baby registry! (no I'm not just asking for baby gifts, this isn't my actual registry haha)

So why Natural, Non-Toxic, Organic, anyways?

Specifically, the ingredients in most conventional...

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