Prebiotics vs. Probiotics


Which one should you choose for your gut health!? 

Let’s start with the gut microbiome (aka the microbiota or gut flora). The microbiome is the trillions of tiny organisms in your GI tract, specifically the intestines, that help to break down and absorb nutrients. It’s vital for the immune system, brain and many other body systems that all rely on a healthy and diverse gut microbiome.

Probiotics and probiotics affect your Microbiome by feeding and providing beneficial bacteria, prebiotics support probiotics.

Probiotics are live strains of “good” bacteria including: Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium and Saccharomyces boulardii. Prebiotics feed good bacteria and support bacteria growth and are non high fiber (non-digestible carbohydrate) foods. This fiber acts as food for probiotics and microbes in the gut.


So which one should I take? 

Personally I choose to take this probiotic supplement  and get my...

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Reading Labels

There is way to much health info overload out there, but I'm going to tell you where I start.

Labels: If you can’t recognize the ingredients, your body can’t either.


Yes I’m calling out food labels with things like: 3-methylbut-1-y ethanoate, palmitoleic acid, 2-hydroxy-3-methylethyl, and phylloquinone…


But I’m also calling out clean products with ingredients like:

2-(2-butyoxyethoxy) ethanol, Ethylene glycol mono butyl ether, Diethylene glycol mono butyl ether, nonylphenol ethoxylates, octylphenol ethoxylates, nonoxynols and octoxynols


And also beauty products with ingredients like:

1,3-butadiene, Beta Hydroxybutanoic Acid, Trethocanic Acid, Methenamine and Quarternium-15, and Bronopol, 2-bromo-2-nitropropane-1,3-diol


But I’m not quite done yet… look out for “supplements” with sneaky ingredients like: Titanium Dioxide and Magnesium Stearate


Make sure to read all of your labels!...

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Is Organic Even Worth It?

Love going out in my backyard and picking all of my garden goodies!
But not all “gardens” are created equal...
Why go organic?
One word: toxins
Where do toxins come from?
-GMO‘s (genetically modified organisms)
-Chemical Fertilizers
-Hormones in animal products
What’s so bad about toxins anyways?
Well they just don’t go away. A study done by the Center for Disease Control showed 99% of people tested had byproducts of DDT(DDE), banned 40 years ago, in their blood.
Long term damage from what’s been sprayed on our “healthy” food includes: birth defects, ADD/ADHD, reproductive issues, male infertility, nervous system damage, autoimmune issues, brain deterioration, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, leukemia and even cancer. It also allows chemicals to become free radicals which poison our cells and wipes out our good gut bacteria needed for digestion as well as immunity!

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Gut Love

Did you know your gut is also called your second brain!?
In order to break down all of the important nutrients from our food, you know, the ones we need to keep our bodies in balance to better protect ourselves from the common cold, the flu, Alzheimer’s, dementia, and even cancer (yes even cancer!), we have got to get our guts right!

Want a little more energy? 1/3 of our daily energy goes towards digestion! Get that gut right!

My morning love your gut routine looks like this (yes before my ):
- 1 organic lemon (juiced)
-1 TBSP apple cider vinegar
-1 Scoop of an organic greens powder
-1 probiotic
-8oz warm water
-1 drop lemon essential oil
-pinch of pink Himalayan sea salt (beneficial for adrenals!)

Don’t believe me? Try it for 30 days and let’s talk ;)

Quote of the day:
”The man who earns a million but destroys his health in the process is not really a success.“ -Zig Ziglar

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Let’s talk about zinc

Zinc supplementation has been a game changer for me specifically in improving gut health, boosting my immune system and helping to regulate hormones.

Lowered immune system
Loss of taste and/or smell
Digestive problems
Hair loss
Chronic fatigue
Poor concentration
Nervous system dysfunction
Hormonal imbalances
Low testosterone (in Men)
Change of appetite (increase or decrease)
Worsening memory
Change in weight gain or loss
Slowed ability to heal
Aging skin
Poor muscle tone

Improved immune function
Boosted metabolism
Balancing health inflammation
Hair growth
Antioxidant benefits
Balances hormones
Helps regulate healthy blood sugar levels
Assists in digestion and gut function
Decreases loose stool (diarrhea)
Improves fertility
Increases testosterone & sperm count
Supports liver health
Boosts muscle tone

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Keto Conclusions

Ok, lets see if we can get through this as this blog has deleted more than once.... bah.... but as promised here are my “Keto conclusions” after thirty days on the ketogenic diet (high fat, very low carb, moderate protein) and around thirty days back on the carbs (lowered fat, higher protein compared to keto). Am I a fan? Well yes and no. For me no, not at all, however I have seen wonderful success from a ketogenic diet and if I or another loved one was diagnosed with cancer or epilepsy I sure as heck would give it a shot again.
I decided to give keto to fight off inflammation, increase energy and improve my mental clarity. No such luck for any of the above. Weight loss was not my main goal but I was looking forward to loosing the 2-3 pounds I put on over the holidays, no such luck there either. In fact I feel like I put on 2-3lbs (nothing major, not complaining, but still interesting). My first conclusion is the reason I didn’t seem to feel any better could be...

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