Get Your Greens

Through my studies on my road to becoming an Integrative Health Practitioner, a decade in the health and fitness industry, plus all the trial and error I’ve done on the latest and great diets (maybe you remember last year’s #ketofail...) I’ve discovered there really must be something to this whole “eat your greens” thing our parents taught us.

Although I’ve knocked it for years, I’ve seen so much research supporting a plant based diet, specifically the way our bodies are created. However for me, working out 6 days a week, a strictly vegetarian diet would be a struggle (I’m all about animals, insert hamburger emoji here...) so hear me out.

By switching two of my meals to an easier to digest, non animal protein sources (hemp and pea protein, not soy) and doing more eggs and wild caught fish in some of my other meals as well as dropping red meat to only cheat meals, I’ve noticed a HUGE positive impact on my health!

More energy, better...

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Is Organic Even Worth It?

Love going out in my backyard and picking all of my garden goodies!
But not all “gardens” are created equal...
Why go organic?
One word: toxins
Where do toxins come from?
-GMO‘s (genetically modified organisms)
-Chemical Fertilizers
-Hormones in animal products
What’s so bad about toxins anyways?
Well they just don’t go away. A study done by the Center for Disease Control showed 99% of people tested had byproducts of DDT(DDE), banned 40 years ago, in their blood.
Long term damage from what’s been sprayed on our “healthy” food includes: birth defects, ADD/ADHD, reproductive issues, male infertility, nervous system damage, autoimmune issues, brain deterioration, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, leukemia and even cancer. It also allows chemicals to become free radicals which poison our cells and wipes out our good gut bacteria needed for digestion as well as immunity!

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