Are you feeling stressed?
Well here is the bad news... Everything boils back down to stress in, on and around our bodies- internal and external stress- but how does chronic stress affect your health?
1. Inflammation/Weight Gain: Persistent stress decreases the responsiveness of glucocorticoids which lowers the immune response and cause cause “toxic water weight” from toxin being stored in the body’s adipose tissue or fat cells
2. Digestive Health: Stress negatively impacts digestion, because digestion down regulates when your body is in fight or flight.
3. Immune System: Chronic stress suppresses the immune system, making us more susceptible to infections and illnesses.
4. Heart Health : Prolonged stress raises blood pressure and increases the risk of heart disease and strokes.
5. Mental Health: Long-term stress is linked to depression and anxiety, disrupting our neurotransmitters in our gut aka our second brain.
6. Cellular Aging: Stress accelerates the...
I am sure you have heard the saying, ‘you cannot pour from an empty cup.’ This is why you need to learn to take care of yourself. Keeping yourself motivated is an inside job. You might do an excellent job at creating the right environment and getting the requisite resources to succeed, but if you are not taking care of yourself, you will not be able to stay motivated for very long. It is hard to keep pushing yourself to do more when your body is already falling apart under the pressure.
Achieving success at the expense of your health is not a very wise idea. It is equally unwise to neglect your family and friends in the process. While it is true that sacrifices will need to be made, your health and relationships should not be one of them. In short, it will be much easier to motivate a healthy mind and body.
Pay careful attention to these 5 areas that are often neglected in the pursuit of success:
How, when and what we eat, has a huge bearing on how well our...
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