Gut Love

Did you know your gut is also called your second brain!?
In order to break down all of the important nutrients from our food, you know, the ones we need to keep our bodies in balance to better protect ourselves from the common cold, the flu, Alzheimer’s, dementia, and even cancer (yes even cancer!), we have got to get our guts right!

Want a little more energy? 1/3 of our daily energy goes towards digestion! Get that gut right!

My morning love your gut routine looks like this (yes before my ):
- 1 organic lemon (juiced)
-1 TBSP apple cider vinegar
-1 Scoop of an organic greens powder
-1 probiotic
-8oz warm water
-1 drop lemon essential oil
-pinch of pink Himalayan sea salt (beneficial for adrenals!)

Don’t believe me? Try it for 30 days and let’s talk ;)

Quote of the day:
”The man who earns a million but destroys his health in the process is not really a success.“ -Zig Ziglar

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Keto Conclusions

Ok, lets see if we can get through this as this blog has deleted more than once.... bah.... but as promised here are my “Keto conclusions” after thirty days on the ketogenic diet (high fat, very low carb, moderate protein) and around thirty days back on the carbs (lowered fat, higher protein compared to keto). Am I a fan? Well yes and no. For me no, not at all, however I have seen wonderful success from a ketogenic diet and if I or another loved one was diagnosed with cancer or epilepsy I sure as heck would give it a shot again.
I decided to give keto to fight off inflammation, increase energy and improve my mental clarity. No such luck for any of the above. Weight loss was not my main goal but I was looking forward to loosing the 2-3 pounds I put on over the holidays, no such luck there either. In fact I feel like I put on 2-3lbs (nothing major, not complaining, but still interesting). My first conclusion is the reason I didn’t seem to feel any better could be...

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