Jump Around! Top 10 Benefits of Rebounding

Jump Around! 90s style!

Benefits of Rebounding
1. Lymphatic drainage:
Aids in venous blood flow allowing our lymphatic system (where our toxins are stored) to flow better, therefore detoxifies better which improves the immune system.
2. Stress reduction:
Light bouncing can help increase blood flow to underused muscles and loosen and release overused ones, plus it helps the body release endorphins which are your brain’s natural calming, feel good aid.
3.Improve balance:
Improves proprioception (ability to sense the orientation and position of your body) which aids in fall/injury reduction. It also stimulates the vestibule in the middle ear to improve balance.
4. Strengthen pelvic floor muscles:
The pelvic floor is a group of muscles that effectively form a hammock across the base of your pelvis and support the internal organs above it. Having strong and flexible pelvic floor muscles helps control the bladder, stabilize the hip joints, and connect to the deep core.
5. Improve bone...

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