Egg-cellent Info

I recently found myself on an egg rabbit hole, googling at the grocery trying to figure out which type of eggs were really the best eggs and I figured I wasn't the only one so here is some egg-straordinary info I found all about eggs!
“Conventional" eggs are from hens confined to small cages, about the size of a piece of paper, often with multiple hens per cage. These hens never see the light of day, aren't able to spread their wings, and are fed a corn or soy based feed. Over 90% of US eggs are conventional.
"Cage-Free" eggs come from hens that are still crammed and "caged" in metal enclosed buildings, averaging only 1.2 sq ft per hen, ineffectively unable to spread their wings, without any outdoor access and where beak trimming is also routine. They are also fed a corn or soy based feed.
"Free Range" eggs come from hens that have approximately 2 sq ft each, and most of them seldom, if ever see the outdoors, and they are still fed a soy or corn based feed.
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